After Kirsty's post, I thought perhaps that I should do the same thing because right now I am procrastinating revision for a Chemistry mock tomorrow and I love you guys all too much!!
So. here's my post-quel, (trying to make prequel into post and I don't think it worked, haha), mini Q&A...
Things I cannot leave the house without
Well, I usually leave the house with nothing, depending on where I'm going, and if I do, I just shove it in my pockets. If I'm only popping out and I know I won't be long, then I won't bring anything. Although, if I am going to a friends I most definitely will take my phone. So, it would have to be my phone I guess.
Favourite flowers??
This question is so hard for me because I absolutely love flowers!! I always have a bunch of flowers in my room- they're mainly roses though. I must say, I absolutely adore Sweet Peas as they remind me so much of my Great Grandmother. They smell so gorgeous and come in truly beautiful colours. I really don't know... all of them?!
I'm really not doing well so far...
Heels or flats?
HEELS. Heels for sure. I absolutely love them and not just because they make me look taller. It is so fun to go shoe shopping and I particularly shop for heels, even though I hardly ever have the opportunity to wear them. I have to admit, I've already got my prom shoes... and I don't even have my dress yet!!!
Do I get good grades?
I think so... it depends on what counts as good. For me, I don't like to go on about the grades I get because all that matters is the effort that is put into the work that you do. If you care and genuinely try hard then you will do well. I particularly don't like the feeling of knowing you didn't do as well as you could have and not being satisfied with myself, so I try to avoid that feeling at all costs by doing well.
Do I eat fries with a fork?
It really depends which situation I'm in. If I'm at a restaurant then yes. If I'm around people I'm comfortable with then no.
Any phobias?
Snakes. Dying when I'm not ready. No more cake.
Have I ever had near death experience?
Not that I can recall... I'd like to think that I've been very much alive for 15 years!!
Do I bite your nails?
Not any more!! I used to and it used to be really bad. Really bad. But after realising that it was disgusting and understood how bad it actually hurt, then I tried so hard to stop it. I used nasty tasting nail polish and putting bangles on my wrists so they would make a noise when my hands were moving towards my mouth. And it actually worked!! I love my nails now and I can't even imagine biting them now. Ewww.
Am I into ghost hunting?
Ummm... NO WAY!! Ghosts scare the living daylights out of me, why would I want to hunt them?? Please ghosts leave me alone, I've done nothing wrong. However, I do believe that people watch over us, as in our loved ones. But whether they are ghosts or not I have no idea??
Last thing that made me cry??
Actually, it was earlier today when See You Again came on the radio. I always cry when I hear the song because it makes me think of Paul Walker and it makes me very very sad. I don't know why, it just does. And it's not even like a tear, it's like full on sobbing and a waterfall just floods out of my eyes... It's even making me sad now, so the last time I cried was now... Oh lord, why am I so emotional??
So, that was my mini Q&A. Now that I've done this I should really get on with some chemistry revision. Ugh. And I definitely agree with Kirsty, soon we shall do the TMI tag!! Stay tuned for that!!
Chin up, keep smiling and always be yourself
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