Hello again!!! It's time for another Q&A so, I explored the Internet for the best questions I could find! Here goes...
1. Thing you can't leave the house without
I think my phone is the most important thing when I leave the house because without it I would be so lost! I know that sounds really bad, like I don't have social life but I don't care!
2. Favourite flowers??
My favourite flowers have to be Daisies because they are so simple but so pretty and faultless. Or, I would have to pick red roses because they are like flower royalty! They are absolutely beautiful and if someone gave me one they would instantly be my favourite person!
3. Heels or flats??
I prefer flats like hightop trainers, mainly because I live in them for dance. But, on the odd occasion I love to wear heels even though I struggle to walk in them!
4. Do you get good grades!?
Most of the time I get good grades...fingers crossed that continues!
5. Do you eat fries with a fork?
NOPE... Who's got time for that! I normally eat them with my fingers but if I was at a restaraunt or at someone's house I would be polite and eat them with a fork.
6. Any phobias?
My phobias are planes (Eloise would laugh at me for saying that!)
7. Have you ever had a near death experience?
Not really, but once I was walking along the pavement and this car nearly ran me over! I don't think the driver was looking where he was going and he just carried on driving straight into me! Luckily, he stopped just in time but it definitely gave me nightmares for a week!!
8. Do you but your nails!
I don't really but when I am bored I find myself biting them! It's not like a habit though because I don't constantly do it... And they are in really good shape even though I sometimes bit them!
9. Are you into ghost hunting?
Umm NO WAYY!!!! that stuff freaks me out so much, it makes me feel sick! Once Eloise and I were talking about doing a ouija board and I thought I was going to throw up!
10. Last thing that made you cry?
The last thing that made me cry was my mum but let's not get into details!
Hope you enjoyed this Q&A and hopefully now you feel like you know me a bit better! Maybe soon Eloise and I will do the TMI tag so stay tuned!
Love, Kirsty
Chin up, keep smiling and always be yourself
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