Hello everyone!
It has come to that time of year when we all get caught up doing revision for exams, so to make it easier we are going to give you some of our favourite ways of revising. I hope you enjoy and find this helpful!
1. Schedule
Make a schedule and stick to it! This will make sure that you revise all subjects equally and you dont just stick to the ones that you enjoy the most. However, don't revise for too long at a time because you will become very tired and won't remember anything you are reading! TAKE BREAKS!
2. Colour coding
You may not think so...but this is very helpful for remembering things! In a exam you will be able to accociate the colours with different words and it will make it so simple!
3. SLEEP!!!
A good night sleep is definitely needed when revising or you may end up falling asleep! Especially as it can get extremely boring :)

(how cuteee!)
4. Post it notes
When trying to remember definitions or equations, write them on a post it note. You can then put them up all around your bedroom, in places where they are likely to be in your view, and read them. This is a very good technique for remembering small things because it makes you keep going over them!
5. Mind map
This makes it easier to revise facts about different topics. Make an individual mind map for each topic and write down as much as you can. This will help when trying to remember facts in exams as you can link ideas together.
I hope these ideas will help you in your revision and GOOD LUCK IN YOUR EXAMS!!!
Chin up, keep smiling and always be yourself