Friday, 24 April 2015

Easter trip to Devon :)

Hello everyone!!

We hope you all had a very lovely Easter holidays, we definitely enjoyed our time away from school!

We would like to say a REALLY BIG soooorrrrrrryyyy for not posting in ages, but we will be posting more regularly now that the holidays are over :)

For this post I will be telling you all about my Easter trip to Devon...

During the holidays, my family and I took at last minute trip down to Devon, in the South West of England. I had a great time and the weather was so nice which was a massive bonus!

Day one: An extremely long journey! Normally I don't mind travelling in the car because I entertain myself by listening to music and singing really loudly (which always results in my brother telling me to SHUT UP!) But, this was so boring as it took forever and there was loads of traffic!

Day two: BEACH!! It was extremely hot on this day so, of course, we spent the day at the beach. It was a beautiful day and it added to my suntan so i'm not complaining! In the evening, we went out for dinner and the food was absolutely amazing! It was legit some of the best food I had ever eaten!

Day three: Happy Birthday Mummy!! (I wont mention her age :P) We had such a good day that involved the beach, presents and loads of cake! It was such great fun and I hope she enjoyed it as much as I did!

Day four: Beach again blah blah blah... I don't think I have anything more to say about this day but it was just as fun as the others!! We did take this really cute photo though, starring Lottie the supercool dog...

I had such a great time on holiday, sharing laughs and smiles with my fabulous family! I love them so much and I wouldn't change them for the world <3

Kirsty x
Chin up, keep smiling and always be yourself

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

The One and Only Kirsty

Kirsty, Kirsty, Kirsty...

She's my person!

She knows me inside out, she's more like a sister to me than my best friend... more so than my biological sister!!

She NEVER fails to make me laugh and if I'm not in a good mood, or I've got problems, she's the first person I go to because she's my person! I know that whatever life throws at me, and trust me- my life's a storm, Kirsty has got my back through thick and thin! She's stuck with me despite all my flaws and for that I am truly grateful for having her as a best friend!

Her kind heart and sensitive soul inspires me everyday and she possesses more talent in her pinky finger than I have in my whole body... and more. Her incredible sense of humour and cheeky laugh always makes me smile and we have the best inside jokes! (I can't tell you any of them other wise they will be outside jokes... hahaha) 

She's honestly the best person in the whole world and I will fight you if you try to say other wise!! (I probably won't fight you, just give you a weird look) I am surprised she's stuck around for so long because sometimes I wonder how I have any friends but now it's been 10 years, we are practically legally binded! I don't think she realises how special she is and I would be crushed if I ever lost her!  

Kirsty is so crazy and outgoing, always up for a laugh and will never let you down. She's incredibly smart, even though she will never admit it!!

Kirsty... you're the bestest friend that anyone could ask for and I'm glad that it's you I can call my best friend. Please don't ever change because I love you, you're my person!!

Chin up, keep smiling and always be yourself

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Happy Easter!

Hello everyone!!
We would just like to wish you all a very HAPPY EASTER!!
We hope you have a great day and don't forget to eat loads of chocolate!

Chin up, keep smiling and always be yourself

Friday, 3 April 2015

My Best Friend Eloise...

Heyy everyone,

Today's post is going to be me telling you all about my best friend Eloise, where do I even begin....

Eloise is the kindest person I know, always putting others before herself. She loves to have fun and have a laugh (don't joke about her height though, or she may punch you in the face!). She is really creative, amazing at textiles and art, which I'm really jealous of because I can't draw to save my life! 

Eloise has been my bestest friend for nearly 11 years and I have never gotten sick of her! She is always there for me and is one of those people who doesn't need to ask if you are okay, she just knows. Her crazy sense of humor can put a smile on my face anytime of day and I love that about her because it means you never stay upset for long! Some of her jokes are reeeaaalllly bad, but they still don't fail to put me in a good mood. Plus, our conversations are hilarious...

We have the most phenomenal sleepovers, including LOADS of food and movie marathons which I wouldn't wish to spend with anyone else. We have so many memories and I can't wait to make lots more with her, even if I find it absolutely ridiculous that she hasn't watched The Lion King!!!??

I would just like to say thank you so much Eloise for being my best friend and for putting up with me for this long because to be honest without you, I would be a loner!
Love ya

Kirsty x

Chin up, keep smiling and always be yourself