Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Beauty Hack

Beauty Hack!!!

As the female goddesses that we are, we require a lot of pampering, but often find there is not enough hours in the day! Or, it can go horribly wrong and we give up on it completely! I am 100% guilty of leaving the house looking like a wreck because I didn't know the beauty hacks that I'm about to share with you! 

Hopefully, you will find these three tips useful and they will save you from being a hot mess!


1.When painting your nails, be sure to have a cotton swab or two (depending on how messy you get) handy.If you happen to get some nail varnish on the skin around your nail, gently glide the cotton swab on the skin with the nail varnish and it will come right off! It also leaves a nice rim of nail varnish on your nails if you swab it around the whole cuticle! 

2.To prevent chipping, paint two base coats. The first only on the end of your nail and the second over your whole nail. This protects the tip of your nail from chipping for longer... and it's fool proof!!


1. If your hair can sometimes be a disaster, like mine, and is in need of some serious TLC, then you need some coconut oil in your life. If you have liquid coconut oil, great but if you have solid coconut oil, melt it in the microwave for 40 seconds. Take it out and stir it until it is runny. You will definitely need a big hair band because it can get messy. Massage the coconut oil into your scalp and let it sit for an hour. Then wash it out normally in the shower! This is seriously so good for conditioning your scalp and definitely stops dandruff and greasy hair! I do this every time that my hair is greasy and dandruffy, and that is quite a lot!! 

Hopefully you guys find these useful, we want to know if you use these tips and if you guys have any tips for us!!!

Chin up, keep smiling and always be yourself

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